獨立總統參選人黃越綏 退選聲明
● 今天記者會的目的有三個重點:
● 儘管外面謠言傳說紛紜,包括我出來參選是拿了國民黨好處,我是蘇貞昌的打手,同時又代表一邊一國受到阿扁的支持…等不實中傷。
● 因此在此我要慎重聲明
● 國民黨的主張「不統、不獨、不武」,對一個主權獨立的國家而言,依國際法而言是個笑話,至少也應明確地主張並向世界宣佈台灣是個追求和平的「中立國」,至於民進黨,既然也強調台灣是個主權獨立的國家,但為何憲法賦予人民基本權利的「公投」與「集會遊行」法至今都無法突破呢,豈可老以國會未過半為藉口?
● 執政是為了服務人民,而非政黨利益的延伸,對長期來感受到中共威脅、侵犯以及惡意併吞的困境與危機的台灣人民而言,再也無法容忍任何執政者以礙於「國際局勢的現實與困境」作藉口來模糊台灣國家的定位與正常化,這也是為什麼本人要參選並提出「住民自決.公投建國」的主張,來突顯台灣人民的心聲。
● 我在此要特別感謝競選團隊及海內外支持理念及我個人的連署者,包括諸位前輩及總部志工,還有公開與不公開的40個願為我設立連署站的親朋好友以及來自各方的125位捐款者,自我5月16日的參選記者會到今天的退選記者會,這近四個月來的一路相挺,這種「理念」的結合與「同志」的情誼,令我永生難忘。
● 由於政黨夾殺、本土社團的選邊站,在連署過程中,只能用「孤軍奮鬥」四個字來形容,加上政治性的敏感,很多人不敢公開相挺,因此除了舉辦近10場北、中、南人數數百人的公開演講會外,我個人私下每天幾乎都會安排4-6個拜會的行程,一星期至少也有2場以上人數10位以上中小型不公開的說明會,在這奔波過程中,嚐遍世間冷暖,但欣慰地是經常也會受到許多年輕首投族不吝嗇給我關懷與加油,手抱著幼兒的夫婦們向我比大姆指,更有老榮民打電話來要我堅持台獨,別讓中共奪取台灣,雖然更曾因體力不支、壓力大累到生病掛急診送醫,但我仍秉持初衷堅強、勇敢、全力以赴。
● 9月16日中選會就會受理申請成為正、副總統被連署人,當下就得繳納新台幣100萬元,以及後續正式登記參選的1千5百萬,只要想到與其要交100萬給中選會,不如拿來買2萬個便當給弱勢更有意義,何況自己評估再努力也未能突破26萬的連署門檻,因此決定宣佈退選,奇妙的是當我要退選的消息傳出後,網友們的連署單更是有如雪片般地不斷湧入。
● 我是自從蔣介石政權佔領台灣以來第一位女性以獨立總統參選人身份,透過連署的行動為主張台灣獨立建國寫下具體的歷史見證,尤其「住民自決.公投建國」的理念宣揚正式出現在媒體(包括報紙及雜誌46次以上,海內外廣播電台147次以上,以及電視台31次以上,當然也包括了中國的媒體)可說是值回票價,而且十萬份的連署數,己勝過某些政黨的有效黨員人數。
● 回顧自己參與台灣民主運動已超過35年,未來台灣國家邁向正常化的努力重責就此交給年輕的世代們了,而我即將淡出政治回歸公益,套句子女送我的話:「媽!您永遠是咱家的總統」,也套句朋友鼓勵我的話:「此次參選是退選而非落選,因為意義重大」,但我最欣賞的還是我自己送給自己的話,那就是「我以忠於做自己為榮」。天佑台灣,台灣人萬歲,謝謝並祝福大家平安、健康及快樂。
Announcement of Withdrawal from the Presidential Election
Ms. Huang Yueh Sui, Independent Presidential Candidate
Dear honorable guests and friends from the news media: Thank you for finding time in your busy schedules to attend today’s press conference.
‧ There are three objectives for this press conference:
(1) To announce my withdrawal from the upcoming presidential election to be held on January 14, 2012.
(2) To invite you to witness the 101931 signatures from supporters, presented in an unofficial format.
(3) To thank all brothers, sisters and friends for their support, especially for those who have worked so hard to help to spread our ideology and to gather supporters, in Taiwan and abroad.
‧ Since I announced my intention of joining the Presidential election, rumors have been fabricated for the purpose of discrediting my personal integrity as well as our independent platform.
‧ I hereby formally declare:
.From a public perspective, to join an election as a candidate is a civil
right of any and all citizens. To be labeled a “trouble-maker” or “historical traitor” is something that one does not expect in a civilized and democratic country such as Taiwan.
.From a personal perspective, as an independent candidate, I proposed my democratic ideology along with my political position: “Self-determination by the inhabitant; nation building through a referendum.” This not only resonated with the public, but also reminded the political parties, whoever may govern Taiwan, the following missions: Resolve the issues and improve the quality of the people’s livelihood, fend off all the foreign aggressions and bring hope and peace to the people of Taiwan. Patriotism amongst citizens can only be fostered under a strong nationalistic sentiment.
‧ The political position of KMT, ”No unification, no independence, no military,” fails to proclaim that Taiwan is a neutral and peace-loving country to the world. As for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), the party has failed to gain any improvement on the basic constitutional rights of “referendum” and “Assembly parade law” in their struggle for constitutional rights for the people.
‧ To be in power, the ruling party has to serve the citizen rather than extending the
party’s interests. The Taiwanese have endured aggressive and malicious threats
from the Communist Chinese for a long time. We should not have to tolerate
having a vague national identity by accepting excuses such as, “reality and
difficulty of the international situation.” This is why I put forward the position of “Self-determination and nation building through referendum” to underline the voice of the Taiwanese.
‧ I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of my campaign team, in Taiwan and overseas, for supporting our ideology and collecting signatures. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the 40 individuals who have voluntarily set up campaign stations, and to the 125 financial supporters. These past four months have been among the most unforgettable of my life; thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
‧ Due to the tight control of political disciplines, and social organizations taking sides, I have fought a lone battle. During this short campaign period, I delivered speeches at 10 rallies across Taiwan, each with a few hundred people in the audience. I made 4-6 calls to potential supporters and attended at least 2 small gatherings with 10 or more participants per week. I have received kind words, telephone calls or thumbs-up signs of encouragement from first-time voters, veterans, men and women. Although I have suffered extreme fatigue and was hospitalized as a result of my campaign efforts, I have received much reassurance that the ideology of Taiwan independence is a sure reality and the choice that is worth striving for.
‧ After having evaluated the reality of preparing one million NT dollars just to register as a presidential candidate, plus fifteen million dollars thereafter, I concluded that it would be much more meaningful to buy two hundred thousand lunch boxes to feed those in need. Furthermore, the threshold of a minimum of two hundred and sixty thousand endorsements has been far from completed. After having consulted my campaign team members, I have decided to withdraw my application from the presidential race.
‧ I am the first woman to declare herself a potential independent candidate for the presidential election since the Chiang Kai-Shek regime occupied Taiwan. The ideology of Taiwan independence and “self determination and national building through referendum by the citizen” have been widely spread through the processes of endorsement. The campaign position, platform and information have been reported in public news media more than 46 times in news papers and magazines, 147 times in radio broadcasts, and 31 times in television broadcasts. It has been a worthy effort.
‧ In reflection, I have been a part of the democratic movement in Taiwan for more than 35 years. The future of Taiwan relies on the contribution of our younger generation. I will step out of the political arena and continue my mission of social and public welfare. I take great comfort in my children’s words; they told me I am the president at our home. My friends said, this is a withdrawal from an election, far from being a loss. But my best words of encouragement come from within: “I am proud of myself for standing true to who I am.”
‧ God bless Taiwan! Long live the Taiwanese! Thank you, and I wish peace, health and happiness for you all.